× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Beautiful winding cycle path along the Regge | North to South

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 16.733 mi


 90.70 Watt(s)



 151 ft

 Zunaweg 6, 7466 PR Zuna, Netherlands

 Pastoor Ossestraat 2, 7627 PL Bornerbroek, Netherlands


Beautiful winding cycle path along the Regge.

The first half hour you follow the beautiful cycle path along the Regge River.
After a few gravel strips, the route continues on the road through a peaceful farm landscape.

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 666 yd
  16 ft
 1.013 mi
  0 ft
 937 yd
  0 ft
 525 yd
  0 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:35:35 12/21/2021
2 00:40:38 5/3/2021
3 00:40:54 9/7/2021
4 00:41:21 10/7/2021
5 00:42:33 8/24/2021


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