× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Park Zandbergen @ Edegem Belgium

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 1601 yd


 101.00 Watt(s)



 75 ft

 Groeningenlei 78, 2550 Kontich, Belgium

 Kattenbroek 14, 2650 Edegem, Belgium

A small park in Belgium next to the E19 motorway in Edegem. This trial is very popular by mountain bikers because of the many hills. There is even a special track made for them: DirtE19 Trails. This short route is an easy walk in the park.
 Segments Strava

Des sections de cette vidéo sont des segments Strava.

Padje naar Edegem
 533 yd
  7 ft
 448 yd
  49 ft
Classement kinomap
Pos. Nom d'utilisateur Chrono Date
1 00:03:55 5/31/2023
2 00:05:10 5/26/2023
3 00:05:34 5/26/2023
4 00:06:53 6/13/2023
5 00:07:00 1/2/2024

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