× Kinomap, Be on Track!

South Australia Gorge Rd, Athelstone to Gumeracha Rocking Horse

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Comments image 16 Commentaires


 17.309 mi


 139.40 Watt(s)



 1575 ft

 334 Gorge Rd, Athelstone SA 5076, Australia

 452 Torrens Valley Rd, Gumeracha SA 5233, Australia

A ride through the Adelaide Hills via the popular Gorge Rd, from Athelstone past the Kangaroo Creek Dam through Cudlee Creek and up to Gumeracha (the home of the largest rocking horse in the southern hemisphere). An easy picturesque ride along the Gorge until the short climb past the dam around the 10km mark.
 Segments Strava

Des sections de cette vidéo sont des segments Strava.

Gorge Rd, Corkscrew to Top of Reservoir
 2.941 mi
  610 ft
Gorge Road Climb
 5.838 mi
  751 ft
Cudlee Creek to Gumeracha
 4.535 mi
  364 ft
Lower Gorge Road - Climb
 4.968 mi
  574 ft
Gorge Rd to Cudlee Ck
 6.107 mi
  778 ft
Classement kinomap
Pos. Nom d'utilisateur Chrono Date
1 00:34:20 9/13/2022
2 00:41:10 5/12/2020
3 00:43:55 6/2/2024
4 00:44:05 4/9/2020
5 00:44:45 3/9/2023

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