× Kinomap, Be on Track!

🚴 Bavarian Tour - Buch am Buchrain-->Mittbach 🌷📹

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 6.952 mi


 101.40 Watt(s)



 741 ft

 3, Hauptstraße, Pitz, Mitterbuch, Buch am Buchrain, Pastetten (VGem), Landkreis Erding, Bavaria, 85656, Germany

 Mittbach, Hauptstraße, Kemating, Mittbach, Isen, Landkreis Erding, Bavaria, 84424, Germany


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Pos. Usuario Chrono Date
1 00:16:50 5/28/2024
2 00:19:05 5/26/2024
3 00:19:20 6/2/2024
4 00:19:48 5/24/2024
5 00:20:21 5/30/2024

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