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EV17: Les Nappes to Lyon

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 46.276 mi


 49.10 Watt(s)



 1207 ft

 1172, Route des Nappes, Les Tufférières, Les Avenières, Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin, La Tour-du-Pin, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Metropolitan France, 38630, France

 Sos Village, Route de Lyon, Jons, Lyon, Rhône, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Metropolitan France, 69330, France


Euro Velo 17 (EV17): Les Nappes to Lyon

This is day 2 from Geneva to Lyon. It starts about 1/2 way between the two 100km from Geneva and 100km from Lyon.

Other notable rides include (click for playlists):

  1. Euro Velo 6. Cycling the Danube from its source in Germany to the black sea (3000km)
  2. Many climbs in the Alps
  3. Ride around lake Geneva (180km)
  4. Cycle around geneva and local area
  5. EuroVelo17/Via Rhona

See my other videos here or map here

Please feel free to leave comments so the next video can be even better, and follow me in the mobile app (profile > person icon) 

I hope you enjoy the videos! 

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1 01:43:27 11/9/2024
2 01:48:43 10/6/2024
3 02:02:18 11/10/2024
4 02:07:17 8/22/2024
5 02:09:12 8/25/2024

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