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 2.607 mi


 139.00 Watt(s)



 141 ft

 Sommer Lounge Badmeister, Kofmehlweg, Untere Mutten, Solothurn, Bezirk Solothurn, Amtei Solothurn-Lebern, Solothurn, 4503, Switzerland

 Dreibeinskreuzbrücke, Römerstrasse, Obach, Solothurn, Bezirk Solothurn, Amtei Solothurn-Lebern, Solothurn, 4503, Switzerland


The town got its name from Salodurum, a Roman-era settlement. Solothurn is regarded as the finest Baroque town in Switzerland, where Italian grandeur is combined with French charm and German practicality. From 1530 to 1792 it was the seat of the French ambassador to Switzerland. The so-called «ambassador’s town» is at the southern end of the Jura by the River Aare, about 30 km east of Biel/Bienne. The pedestrian-only old town was built between 1530 and 1792 and shows an impressive array of baroque architecture.

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Classement kinomap
Pos. Nom d'utilisateur Chrono Date
1 00:08:51 5/20/2024
2 00:10:28 5/19/2024
3 00:11:33 5/22/2024
4 00:13:12 5/30/2024
5 00:14:17 5/21/2024

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