× Kinomap, Be on Track!

😍⛰ Sardinia: Near Monti (🇮🇹)

Likes image 68 Likes
Comments image 5 Commentaires


 19.453 mi


 102.00 Watt(s)



 906 ft

 Strada Statale 389 di Buddusò e del Correboi, 07020 Monti SS, Italy

 717 - SS127, 07026 Olbia SS, Italy


A nice 30 km long ride in north-eastern Sardinia, starting in the remote mountains and slowly descending back to Olbia. Enjoy!!

(PS: 'likes' and 'comments' on the video are much appreciated. Please send comments on the functioning of the app to the User Support)

For more than 1000 scenic videos all over Europe, see my other videos by Gonvil and Playlists by Gonvil.

 Segments Strava

Des sections de cette vidéo sont des segments Strava.

monti telti nversion
 1.327 mi
  236 ft
Uscita Monti Climb
 1302 yd
  105 ft
Discesa S. Paolo- Monti
 2.74 mi
  0 ft
La discesa dei cugini
 2.636 mi
  3 ft
DH S.Paolo-Monti
 3.02 mi
  3 ft
Classement kinomap
Pos. Nom d'utilisateur Chrono Date
1 00:35:58 5/20/2023
2 00:37:42 9/28/2023
3 00:39:06 4/15/2023
4 00:39:34 4/18/2023
5 00:40:18 4/14/2023

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