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đŸ’Ș #ClimbingSkills - Strength through cadence drills [Exercise Bike]

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hh:mm:ss % Resistance Cadence Type
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Often you see good climbers pedaling with a high cadence. However, base strength in your legs but also regarding the whole body chain is generated through low cadence drills below 80 rpm.

In this video you train your large muscle groups and the connection between legs and upper body with low cadence high resistance intervals on one long and a short challenging, steep climb. On the first climb I included two blocks of 4 intervals of 1min on/off alternating between 70 and 60 rpm at or just above threshold. Then you have a bit of recovery with one intermediate interval before conquering the last climb with a last block of 4 intervals alternating between 60 and 70 rpm.

This session is not an easy one but definitly will make you stronger. I strongly recommend a proper cool down as time ran out in the end of the video. For example you could use this fun fast descent to Hausach in the Black Forest