× Kinomap, Be on Track!


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 26.463 mi


 56.80 Watt(s)



 1047 ft

 Stover Str. 7A, 19217 Carlow, Germany

 Stover Str. 7A, 19217 Carlow, Germany

Enjoy a round through the beautiful sunny fields and avenues in North West Mecklenburg's Schaalsee region on a glorious October day. Check out the beautiful little villages with their straw thatched half-timbered cottages. With a bit of luck, spot a couple of Nandus (yes, the south american flightless bird!) roaming free in the fields.
 Segments Strava

Des sections de cette vidéo sont des segments Strava.

Hügelig abwärts gen Rehna
 1.431 mi
  85 ft
Köchelstorf - Rehna
 2.145 mi
  95 ft
Classement kinomap
Pos. Nom d'utilisateur Chrono Date
1 01:00:17 11/4/2023
2 01:12:19 6/17/2024
3 01:13:57 1/7/2024
4 01:14:42 11/15/2023
5 01:17:36 10/24/2023

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