× Kinomap, Be on Track!

☁️🚣🍁Willis point shores part 1

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Comments image 8 Commentaires


 2.297 mi


 28.00 Watt(s)



 0 ft

 Mark Lane, Willis Point, Juan de Fuca Electoral Area, Capital Regional District, British Columbia, V9E2A1, Canada

 Mark Lane, Willis Point, Juan de Fuca Electoral Area, Capital Regional District, British Columbia, V9E 2A1, Canada


🎥 360 camera on board allowing different point of views : stern view, and  3rd person facing forward 

🚣‍♂️ Row with us in this Whitehall tango 17 by the shores of willis point, and enjoy those west Canadian coast scenery. Sorry for the fall weather and grey sky. Check out the part 2 of this session here

🤙 Follow my dedicated facebook page to get more info about my training content 

🧡 Give it a like if you enjoyed it  and follow me on KinomapStrava and Instagram to get notified when I post new videos and have a look to my adventures. Enjoy your training on Kinomap !

🌴 Check out my best rowing videos in French Polynesia here !

Enjoy your training on Kinomap !

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Classement kinomap
Pos. Nom d'utilisateur Chrono Date
1 00:04:36 1/25/2024
2 00:05:08 11/24/2023
3 00:05:31 12/17/2023
4 00:05:47 11/11/2023
5 00:06:49 12/31/2023

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