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Vlasina Lake 🛶 Day I: 1/5 🔈

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 1.772 mi


 11.00 Watt(s)



 0 ft

 231, Vlasina Rid, Surdulica Municipality, Pcinja Administrative District, Central Serbia, Serbia

 Vlasina Rid, Surdulica Municipality, Pcinja Administrative District, Central Serbia, Serbia


Vlasina Lake (Serbian: Власинско језеро / Vlasinsko jezero), altitude: ~1210m, is the highest and largest artificial lake in Serbia. This is the first of five videos on my kayaking day one on it. Join me in search of famous floating islands... Too long for you? Can not wait? Then try a 16 minutes long teaser. Want more? See the Vlasina Lake playlist. (This was the super hot summer of 2024 and it was hard.)

[Recorded on 2024-07-11] I am mostly visiting some special places in Central Europe - by kayak, on foot and by bike. Follow me to stay informed, or see all my videos...

☮ Make love, not war. Stay free! Peace! ☮

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Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:05:20 2/14/2025
2 00:09:19 9/26/2024
3 00:09:40 9/29/2024
4 00:10:14 2/9/2025
5 00:10:39 9/23/2024

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