× Kinomap, Be on Track!

⏱10 Min Stroke Rate Fartlek #2

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hh:mm:ss % Resistance Cadence Type
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🙊No Words - Just Row with me this 10 min Stroke Rate Fartlek Session #2

2min @22spm / 1min @28spm / 3min @20spm / 1min @30spm / 2min @24spm / 1min @30spm

🔥Be sure to be warmed up before you start : check my warm up playlist here
🔧Repeat that piece or pick up another one in my 10 min playlist to build up your workout.

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Find my seat cover and phone holder for Concept2 rowers by Vapor Fitness

👀Have a look to my geolocated videos here 

📺Enjoy your kinomap training

🎵Music = Icaen, Driving Sport Rock - Jamendo