× Kinomap, Be on Track!

South Australia - Linear Park Bikeway (Adelaide home of the Tour Down Under)

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Comments image 2 Commenti


 11.797 mi


 97.00 Watt(s)



 436 ft

 77 Briar Rd, Felixstow SA 5070, Australia

 Stop 29 Hill St - South side, Campbelltown SA 5074, Australia


45 min early morning ride along the picturesque River Torrens in Adelaide South Australia. Lots to see along the way. This bike way runs from the north eastern suburbs along the river and bus way into the CBD of Adelaide. Take it as a leisurely stroll or put some effort into your riding. As with all bike ways keep your eyes out for other riders, walkers, dogs, pigeons, ducks and tricky corners :)

 Segmenti di Strava

Porzioni di questo video sono effettivi segmenti di Strava

 1.077 mi
  36 ft
 3.805 mi
  121 ft
 4.416 mi
  125 ft
 4.316 mi
  197 ft
Classifica Kinomap
Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:27:52 5/31/2023
2 00:28:34 4/11/2023
3 00:28:41 2/6/2023
4 00:31:45 2/10/2023
5 00:31:51 1/9/2023

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