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Stockholm archipelago Dallarö long tour part 1

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 1499 yd


 12.00 Watt(s)



 0 ft

 Schweizerbadet, Prästövägen, Schweizerdalen, Dalarö, Haninge kommun, Stockholm County, 137 70, Sweden

 Dalarö Strandväg, Dalarö, Haninge kommun, Stockholm County, 137 70, Sweden


Want to experience a full kayak trip. This is a 4 day and hours of kayaking in the Stockholm archipelago start in Dallarö. Note due to privacy the sound has been left out. The fun part with these trips is all the socialization.

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Classifica Kinomap
Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:02:22 1/13/2025
2 00:02:58 1/14/2025
3 00:03:08 2/25/2025
4 00:03:23 1/13/2025
5 00:03:35 1/16/2025

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