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Lutry to Aran in Lavaux, Vineyard Terraces (UNESCO world heritage)

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 1.016 mi


 126.00 Watt(s)



 305 ft

 Chemin du Binet, Châtelard, Lutry, District de Lavaux-Oron, Vaud, 1095, Switzerland

 Les Mariadoules, Route de la Petite-Corniche, Villette (Lavaux), Bourg-en-Lavaux, District de Lavaux-Oron, Vaud, 1091, Switzerland

Walk from Lutry to Aran in the Lavaux vineyard terraces. Going from lake level up to small roads in the vineyard with nice view on the Geneva lake. The Lavaux is registred at UNESCO world heritage since 2007.
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Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:06:23 8/23/2024
2 00:07:19 3/25/2024
3 00:07:44 4/16/2024
4 00:09:06 4/18/2024
5 00:09:31 3/26/2024

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