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Sunny morning run in Düsseldorf at Benrath castle

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 4.642 mi


 227.00 Watt(s)



 0 ft

 Urdenbacher Allee 5, 40593 Düsseldorf, Germany

 Freunde Schloss und Park Benrath e.V., Benrather Schloßallee 102, 40597 Düsseldorf, Germany

Morning run on a beautiful sunny day at Benrath Castle in Düsseldorf. The last time I was at this place was as a child. So it's been many many years. But it's worth it, a beautiful castle and a great park right behind it, with lots of woods, fields and water. If you liked the video, follow me for more and leave a thumbs up there!
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Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:21:11 7/20/2023
2 00:28:35 6/20/2023
3 00:29:26 7/9/2023
4 00:32:19 6/20/2023
5 00:33:28 3/26/2024

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