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Koralpe Mountain: Weinebene - Frantschach - Road downhill

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Comments image 2 Commenti


 11.33 mi


 44.30 Watt(s)



 75 ft

 Weinebene 60, 9413 Weinebene, Austria

 St. Gertraud 13, 9413 St. Gertraud, Austria

Koralpe Mountain, also known as the Koralm is located in southern Carinthia, Austria on the border of Styria, Austria and also Slovenia. This ride takes you from the Weinebene Ski Area, downhill to Frantschach near Wolfsberg, Carinthia. We enjoy beautiful valley views as we descend the twisting mountain road.
 Segmenti di Strava

Porzioni di questo video sono effettivi segmenti di Strava

 1423 yd
  75 ft
Downhill Schikane
 1.893 mi
  0 ft
Speed Check Weinebene
 1239 yd
  0 ft
Auf a Jausn zum Bloch
 6.826 mi
  75 ft
Weinebene bis Spitzkehre
 7.494 mi
  75 ft
Classifica Kinomap
Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:15:05 9/30/2023
2 00:16:10 12/21/2023
3 00:16:15 9/25/2023
4 00:16:21 12/27/2023
5 00:16:44 1/5/2024

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