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Gravel Tour from Hitdorf to Urdenbach on the Rhein Part 2

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 9.836 mi


 60.00 Watt(s)



 161 ft

 Alfred Maier, Rheinstraße, Hitdorf, Stadtbezirk I, Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia, 51371, Germany

 Ortweg, Urdenbach, Stadtbezirk 9, Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, 40593, Germany

Gravel bike discovery tour from Langenfeld via Hitdorf to Monheim to Düsseldorf and back. Early in the morning along the Rhein. If you like the video, feel free to leave a thumbs up and follow me for more. Part 2 of 3
 Segmenti di Strava

Porzioni di questo video sono effettivi segmenti di Strava

 1239 yd
  0 ft
 1024 yd
  10 ft
 628 yd
  7 ft
 749 yd
  0 ft
Classifica Kinomap
Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:23:07 2/25/2024
2 00:26:56 2/4/2024
3 00:27:54 10/3/2023
4 00:28:58 11/28/2023
5 00:29:42 10/6/2024

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