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🚴2023 Vacation bike ride

🚴2023 Vacation bike ride
Stephan 1975

Stephan 1975

I live northeast of Munich in Ismaning in the district of Munich. Here cross the bike paths Isarradweg, Sempt-Isen Radweg and the Munich Radel Ring. In my spare time I cycle or hike in Bavaria and Austria. 

Since November 2020, I record my ventures with 2.0 Hypersmooth stabilisation or with 4.0 Hypersmooth stabilisation. Previously recorded videos with poor stabilization I have deleted. These tours are gradually recorded again and eröffentlicht. 

I hope you enjoy getting to know the Bavarian and Austrian landscapes. 

Bike: KTM - Double Disc ; Cube - Kathmandu SL
Camera: Since November 2020 with 2.0 Hypersmooth stabilisation. Since Septebmer 2021 with 4.0 Hypersmooth stabilisation Since Septebmer 2023 with 6.0 Hypersmooth stabilisation
Tours are partly re-recorded.



📹 = GoPro 8 Black / GoPro 10 Black / GoPro 12 Black Video

🚂 = former railroad line

🌷= Spring - Frühling: 1. März – 31. Mai.

☀️=Sommer - Sommer: 1. Juni – 31. August.

🍁= Autumn - Herbst: 1. September – 30. November.

❄️= Winter -Winter: 1. Dezember – 28./ 29. Februar.

🏃 = Run
🚶 = Walk 
🚴 = Cycling

Follow me on Strava to see what new tours are coming up:


garmin connect



 18 视频
 1043 km

Urlaubsrunde im Jahr 2023 Schwerpunkt war die Via Danubia und der Deutsche Limes-Radweg. Die Lücken sind teilweise durch Zugumstiege wegen schlechtem Wetter endstanden. Nichtsdestotrotz, viel Spaß beim Anschauen der Playlist auf @Kinomap. Radtour von Ismaning nach Passau und weiter nach Aschaffenburg und zurück. Großer Schwerpunkt der Tour war Radfahren auf den spuren der Römer. Vacation tour in 2023 The focus was on the Via Danubia and the German Limes Cycle Route. The gaps were partly caused by train changes due to bad weather. Nevertheless, have fun watching the playlist on @Kinomap. Cycle tour from Ismaning to Passau and on to Aschaffenburg and back. The main focus of the tour was cycling in the footsteps of the Romans.
