× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Gravel Montnegre and Els Angels

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 9.371 mi


 166.20 Watt(s)



 1496 ft

 GI-664, 9, 17118, Girona, Spain

 GIV-6703, 17462 Sant Martí Vell, Girona, Spain

This is a nice, mostly uphill mixed gravel and asphalt ride. It goes from the bottom of the Santa Pellaia climb up a gravel road to a bit of asphalt just before Montnegre . From there, it turns back to gravel all the way to the Els Angels road, where it rejoins the asphalt main road. Adaptive training by www.velopro.bike
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1 00:17:35 2/19/2022
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