Stiff person syndrome torn soleus gastrocnemius muscles inflamed pain
didierpelissier - 3year
Merci LOLO
Pandafromhell - 3year
Thank you for sharing - great ride 👍👊
Chimiik - 3year
Super parcours 💪💪💪
OlTrue - 2year
Good track - nice mix of up's and down's.
Ankora - 2year
AlanWillis63 - 2year
Great variety, climb and descend, hard and easy. Good one
HP-Tiengen - 2year
TOP 😍👍
jente - 2year
Video ran fine.
jente - 2year
Video ran fine. Data froze multiple times. Had no idea what my speed, cadence, or power output were for minutes at a time. Also, the distance to the next grade froze.