× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Across staffs/Shropshire, Newport to the Wrekin beauty spot eventually

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 34.307 mi


 77.20 Watt(s)



 1201 ft

 The Farmhouse, 87 Wood Ln, Wedges Mills, Cannock WS11 1SZ, UK

 Wrekin Trail, Telford TF6 5AL, UK


Across staffs/Shropshire, Newport to the Wrekin beauty spot, eventually got there so still a 50km ride home to do so not going to ride up the hill more of a walk. I have put the top footage of the top for the last two minutes as a treat, this is instead of real first footage of the hill where i stopped filming for some food 1/4 way up. to the top 1000 ft from j7 m54 junction start of the hill.



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