× Kinomap, Be on Track!

RowAlong 2K Plan - Week 2 Session 5 - 2 x 20mins at 18spm

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BOTTOM Tier Workout to build fitness and a strong engine
After a 4 minute warmup, row 2 x 20 mins at 18spm with 2 min rests.

Pace Guide = 2K+20-22
Effort Guide = 5 / 10
Speech = Talk away

This is a Bottom tier workout to set you up for Session 6. This should give you a chance to build your fitness, work out your technique, and get a lot of sweat on the floor! 

The point of this workout is that it should feel like a good solid amount of time on the machine. At 18spm, you'll need to put some pressure through the footplate to keep to pace, but the recovery time at such a low rate means that this should be ok for the 2 intervals. If you feel like you're blowing up, slow down by 2 seconds.. 

Take your time to analyse technique. If you have a mirror, try to check yourself out. If you have a camera, video one or both of the intervals. For what it's worth - I was appalled when I watched this back to see just how bad my butt-scoot is before I connect at the drive. Seriously, take a look, and you'll see the seat slide a good 4 inches before I connect. At the end of the row, I moan about my shoulder again. And I think this butt-scoot is the reason for it. 

If you want to programme your monitor as a 2 x 20 minute interval workout - remember to set the rest to UNDEFINED. This way, we'll both start and stop at the same time. There is a video on how to do this here: 


As always, follow me for stroke rate. And I'll keep you company for the row with training tips, technique tips, and my usual general waffle.