11, Księcia Franciszka Ksawerego Druckiego-Lubeckiego, Wąsosz, Białogon, Kielce, Holy Cross Voivodeship, 25-818, Poland
11, Księcia Franciszka Ksawerego Druckiego-Lubeckiego, Wąsosz, Białogon, Kielce, Holy Cross Voivodeship, 25-818, Poland
Full HD video stabilized with GoPro Hypersmooth
A walk with the dog through the snowy forest and meadows in Kielce to a metal cross standing on the Brusznia hill in Kielce, commemorating the meeting place of the January insurgents on the night of January 22-23, 1863, planning an attack on a branch of the ruSSian army stationed in Kielce
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