× Kinomap, Be on Track!

40 Minute Glute Strengthening Incline Treadmill Walk

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Hey KinoMap Family!


I'm so happy to bring you another walking video!

This one is a 40 Minute Treadmill Walking Glute Workout by @LIVESTRONG.COM. Many of you know that most of my treadmill walks include Incline.

Adding incline to your daily steps really helps to build your glutes and turns your walk into a strength and cardio workout!

Most of my walking workouts target these areas! Incline Walking not only targets those glutes, but it also targets your hamstrings and quads without lifting weights.

This should not replace your strength training during the week but added in to get some extra lower body work in! Incline walking also help increase your lung capacity, which improves your endurance and cardiovascular health.

Tips from LiveStrong: As your incline walk gets tougher, incorporate some deep breathing, inhaling for two strides and exhaling for two strides. You can also increase your step pace as you increase your speed, leaning into your steps.

I hope you’re continuing to enjoy my workouts! Thank you so much to those that continue to support me. Thank you for working out with me!

Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Email: treadchic@gmail.com

Instagram: @treadchic


Blessings, Ludgina