视频的Strava段 "
🏃🏾🌊🐚 : Bord De Mer de Saranda Albanie 🇦🇱
BorutOnTour - 3year
Have never been to Albania. Thank you! The coast promenade seems quite new and surprisingly nice done. Apparently you are still in the area. If you have some time and mobility, then Montenegro (both the mountains and the coast) are surely a must see.
jogo - 3year
Beautiful, thanks.
Toumy Degham - 3year
Bon run à tous 🏃♀️ 🏃🏾♂️ 🏃 🏃🏽♀️
Pat.Des - 3year
Récupération, puis dernier km rapide.
thomasmerlo - 3year
Ankora - 2year
Toumy Degham - 2year
good running to all
valerie8 - 2year
coupure vidéo toutes les 10 mn, trajet non sauvegardé qui vous fait
reprendre au début systématiquement....bref, très énervant
bsnel - 219d
Thanks for the video, fun to see our summer destination this way. Please record more, and longer