× Kinomap, Be on Track!

🇨🇭 Road Bike: Third of 7even Sunday Climbs around Küsnacht - Pfannenstiel (3/7)

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 3.501 mi


 213.50 Watt(s)



 495 ft

 Hof 1478, 8704 Herrliberg, Switzerland

 Stuckistrasse 8706, 8706 Meilen, Switzerland

On a beautiful winter sunday I made 7 climbs of total 1750 meters height (see ...). For those who don't want to perform all the seven climbs at once I divided the video in seven videos (just the climbs, no downhill)


 1725 yd
  223 ft
 629 yd
  102 ft
 896 yd
  167 ft
 2.586 mi
  400 ft
 953 yd
  177 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:05:24 6/11/2024
2 00:06:01 3/4/2024
3 00:10:53 10/22/2024
4 00:12:10 4/26/2024
5 00:12:14 3/3/2024


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