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🚲 1.000m Downhill from Rasos de Peguera 😍

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 11.798 mi


 14.00 Watt(s)



 0 ft

 Diseminado Casa Comaposada, 1, 08612, Barcelona, Spain

 Plaça de Viladomat, 18, 08600 Berga, Barcelona, Spain


Scenic downhill of more than 1.000m from Rasos de Peguera (1.892m) down to Berga going through Pas dels Lladres, Fontfreda, Castellar de Riu and Font Negra. This fast non-stop descent with clear views, is the reward if you have first done the tough ride uphill here.

kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:15:16 6/12/2023
2 00:16:04 6/12/2024
3 00:16:09 7/26/2022
4 00:16:23 10/9/2021
5 00:16:32 3/20/2024


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