× Kinomap, Be on Track!

River Enns 🛶 1/7 🔈

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 5.088 mi


 37.00 Watt(s)



 0 ft

 72, Ketten, Aigen im Ennstal, Bezirk Liezen, Styria, 8943, Austria

 Schoberpass-Bundesstraße, Selzthaler Straße, Liezen, Bezirk Liezen, Styria, 8940, Austria


Join the three of us on a two day September 2023 tour, which we did on two weekends. In this part: On Enns, from Wörschach to Liezen.

River Enns, 253km in length, is the longest river solely in Austria. Regulated in the middle of the 19th century, it is nevertheless a paradise for paddling, as well as for biking along its valley.

For other parts of this tour see the playlist "River Enns 🛶🚶🚴🇦🇹". This video is also part of the playlist "🛶 Row Austria 🇦🇹".

[Recorded on 2023-09-10] I am mostly visiting some special places in Central Europe - by kayak, on foot and by bike. Follow me to stay informed, or see all my videos...

☮ Make love, not war. Stay free! Peace! ☮



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1 00:16:43 6/1/2024
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5 00:19:32 11/11/2023


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