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Raxalpe Part 1/4 | Bergstation ➡️ Ottohaus

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 1.169 mi


 89.00 Watt(s)



 338 ft

 der Alpengarten, Gsolhirnsteig, Katastralgemeinde Klein- und Großau, Gemeinde Reichenau an der Rax, Bezirk Neunkirchen, Lower Austria, 2651, Austria

 Stützpunkt der niederösterreichischen Berg- und Naturwacht, Seeweg, Katastralgemeinde Klein- und Großau, Gemeinde Reichenau an der Rax, Bezirk Neunkirchen, Lower Austria, 2651, Austria


The Rax is a mountain range in the Northern Limestone Alps on the border of the Austrian federal provinces of Lower Austria and Styria. Its highest peak is the Heukuppe (2,007 m). The Rax, together with the nearby Schneeberg, are a traditional mountaineering and mountain walking area, and are called the Wiener Hausberge (Vienna's local mountains).



kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:05:36 10/11/2023
2 00:11:02 8/20/2024
3 00:12:27 11/7/2023
4 00:12:56 6/23/2024
5 00:17:30 1/14/2024


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