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Bike 6 km. Late Summer. Italy-Liguria. Near Monte Ceppo. (Middle Segment of Isolabona - Monte Ceppo)

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 3.643 mi


 128.40 Watt(s)



 568 ft

 WQX5+H8 Molini di Triora, Province of Imperia, Italy

 WPGW+5C Bajardo, Province of Imperia, Italy


Bike 6 km. Late Summer Italy - Liguria Near Monte Ceppo. (MIddle Segment of Isolabona - Monte Ceppo) xx mins. Climb from 1.365 to 1.504 m. alt; downhill t0 1.195 m. Bike 5,9 km. Italy - Liguria - Province of Imperia. Near Monte Ceppo. Late Summer. Sunny and overcast. Starting in the Ligurian hills at 1.365 m. alt; climbing to 1.504 and downhill to 1.195 m alt. Middle segment of the Isolabona-Monte Ceppa track.



kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:07:30 12/29/2022
2 00:07:31 11/17/2024
3 00:08:40 12/27/2022
4 00:10:04 12/30/2022
5 00:10:29 5/16/2023


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