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Beilen-Camp Westerbork-Beilen - Drenthe - NL

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 17.915 mi


 106.70 Watt(s)



 289 ft

 Asserweg 10, 9411 LR Beilen, Netherlands

 De Hultinge 63, 9411 JP Beilen, Netherlands

Impressive view of Camp Westerbork. Camp Westerbork was utilized as a staging ground for the deportation of Jews. Only one-half square kilometer (119 acres) in area, the camp was not built for the purpose of industrial murder as were Nazi extermination camps. Indeed, Westerbork was seen as “humane” by Nazi standards.


 2.641 mi
  30 ft
 1.524 mi
  23 ft
 1.293 mi
  43 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:41:53 4/11/2020
2 00:43:57 4/12/2020
3 00:44:14 4/12/2020
4 00:44:37 4/10/2020
5 00:45:46 4/10/2020


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