× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Chapel Hill and Brookfield, Brisbane, Australia

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 20.787 mi


 102.70 Watt(s)



 1348 ft

 1A Rennies Rd, Indooroopilly QLD 4068, Australia

 5 Leahey Rd, Brookfield QLD 4069, Australia


A good idea to warm up first as you start straight into a climb up Burbong Street in the suburb of Chapel Hill before going to Brookfield. Once at Brookfield the ride takes the longest pf three roads, this one is better known as "the long finger". It is a continuous gentle climb up to the turn around. You then come back the same way and finish at the Brookfield General Store where you can have a coffee and cake. Keep an eye out for the giant ant.



Brookfield Road Showground Dip
 1366 yd
  46 ft
Fleming Road bumps
 676 yd
  66 ft
Lifecycle ITT 2015 2ndTurn2Finish
 2.579 mi
  190 ft
Over the Hill to school
 2.436 mi
  190 ft
Its a go go go
 939 yd
  85 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:40:58 9/27/2022
2 00:51:06 1/11/2023
3 00:53:49 4/30/2022
4 01:03:11 2/10/2022
5 01:17:50 4/29/2022


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