× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Solway Coast Loop, South West Scotland

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 19.6 mi


 98.20 Watt(s)



 1109 ft

 330 High St, Dalbeattie DG5 4DS, UK

 10 Moss Rd, Dalbeattie DG5 4HU, UK


Solway Coast Loop

This video takes these two videos:

  1. Dalbeattie to Caulkerbush
  2. Caulkerbush to Dalbeattie

and joins them together to give one 31.5kms circular route starting and finishing in the Kircubrightshire town of Dalbeattie taking in the lovely Solway coast towns of Colvend, Kippford, Sandyhills and Caulkerbush.

The first part of the ride takes you from Dalbeattie down to the coast via Colvend, Rockcliff and Sandhills before it heads back inland at Caulkerbush. The ride features some very quiet country roads and some gorgeous scenery.

The second part of the ride takes you from the coast back inland over some very quiet country roads finishing actually in the town itself with a rather unusual surprise!





kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:45:31 9/23/2021
2 00:47:37 6/2/2024
3 00:49:06 10/10/2021
4 00:49:44 3/10/2024
5 00:50:11 1/30/2025


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