× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Kayak trip along Ingäro in Stockholm archipelago

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 4.129 mi


 116.00 Watt(s)



 0 ft

 Gamla Ingarövägen 12, 134 61 Ingarö, Sweden

 Tranarövägen 84, 134 64 Ingarö, Sweden

Experience a kayak trip through Värmdö and the small islands of Storolmen, Sodra Lagnö and Tranarö. In the beginning we kayaked through high grass unsure if we would get stuck due to ice but it was clear. Spring has not officially started so not many boats out but it can be easier to see the small houses next to bridges. See if you can count how many saunas you can find. On one of the bridges there is even a fake owl.


kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:13:10 6/1/2021
2 00:15:07 4/2/2021
3 00:16:57 10/4/2022
4 00:19:04 5/10/2021
5 00:19:24 12/29/2021


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