× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Morning stroll through Corralejo

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 1.916 mi


 106.00 Watt(s)



 62 ft

 C. Veril, 10, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas, Spain

 Caseta Sea Wolf, Muelle de, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas, Spain


This walk includes a stroll through the Campanario and onto the main "strip" down to the harbour in Corralejo, Fuerteventura. I am still gettgin used to using the gimbal, so I apologise in advance for unexpected jerks in the camera view



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1 00:08:16 3/28/2024
2 00:08:23 6/6/2022
3 00:08:44 1/12/2025
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