× Kinomap, Be on Track!

RowAlong 2K Plan - Week 1 Session 6 - 20mins at 26spm

hh:mm:ss % Resistance Cadence Type
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United Kingdom - English


MID Tier intensity tempo Workout on the Rowing machine
After a 4 minute warm up - row 20 minutes at 26 strokes per minute

Pace Guide = 2K+9-10
Effort Guide = 8 (will end closer to 9.5-10/10)
Speech = Not constant

This is a very top end MID workout. If you push the pace too early - you'll tip into the TOP tier for it. I don't even throw in a suprise sprint at the end, as I want this to remain in the MID tier. If you want to make this a TOP workout - just load 5000m into your monitor, and go for it. But replace the TOP tier workout from whatever week you're doing this.

As always, follow me for stroke rate. And I'll keep you company for the row with training tips, technique tips, and my usual general waffle.