× Kinomap, Be on Track!

🔺Fully: Fully to Buittonaz (only first part)

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 3.565 mi


 162.00 Watt(s)



 1493 ft

 Rue Saint-Symphorien 1, 1926 Fully, Switzerland

 Rte de Buitonnaz 3, 1926 Fully, Switzerland


An intent to reach the small village Chiboz (1300m) from down the valley, at Fully.
As you can see in the full uphill version, the street is still blocked by an avalanche, so I have to try next time to reach Chiboz! Enjoy the ride on a sunny day in the vinyards...

Available versions:
- Fully to Buittonaz (only first part)
- Fully to the avalanche corner (full uphill)
- Avalanche corner to Fully (short but scenic downhill)

- Try to cycle the last bit in the full uphill version! It is terrible steep for a road bike and I had to walk and was even then exhausted, really exhausted  ...
- You only will see the valanche at the end of the full versions

Video recorded and uploaded in 2.7k format.

Enjoy riding and keep smiling on uphills.

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See also my playlists



 1.577 mi
  837 ft
 1.818 mi
  971 ft
 1.665 mi
  889 ft
 2.502 mi
  1296 ft
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1 00:17:02 2/18/2023
2 00:18:34 7/19/2022
3 00:18:36 3/6/2022
4 00:20:54 1/3/2023
5 00:21:45 1/18/2023


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