Ouch, great climb! The first few riders are either pros, or cheating, or the algorithms are borked!!
Flea - 4year
Great climb
Simon B - 4year
Great climb. Thanks!
Roykepp - 4year
GregHilliker - 4year
Great exercise challenge, video/audio signaling, free access
nicolas_renaudin - 4year
First?? hacker or vae???
AlanWillis63 - 4year
Hard but fun
wallan - 4year
Quelle Ascension! Ca tire sur les jambes mais c'est bon!
D00rtje - 4year
quefa - 4year
Considering his average wattage one of the best climbers weight must be around 42kg 😂
Remi Depoorter - 4year
Mooie bergrit
!uuoS - 4year
challenging but nice climb👍 How is it possible to finish the ride within 16 minutes???? legs made out of iron!? 😀
JohnSJS - 4year
Good climb in good scenery. Many thanks.
Malcolm Surgenor - 4year
buku86 - 4year
beautiful views
SANTOS- - 4year
melchor - 4year
Ich bin eindeutig KEINE Bergziege aber die Strecke ist schon geil 😉
ralfhein - 4year
very nice climb, thanks for this video! to bad we can not stop and admire the scenery ;-)
Pandafromhell - 4year
Maybe short but what an evil climb. Loved it. Thanks 😊
Oddish - 4year
Spectacular ride! Very good quality.
IngridGo42 - 4year
Belle et dure montée 🤪😜
msduerer - 4year
stephan - 4year
Nice ride !! Great views
Lee Perry - 4year
Braw ride. Legs like jello.
Jacek-Canada - 4year
Very hard
JKBotor - 4year
16,5 Minutes? I can hardly believe that! I‘d like to see them legs or is this an e-bike challenge? 🤗
Tasgen - 4year
SecretGirl06 - 4year
Excellent.Merci 🤪
PatrickJeandupeux - 4year
Great Training.Thank you so much!!🥵But why so many cheaters?It s a pity !!
José luis pons - 4year
termine las tres
Rollon63 - 4year
Nice area - nice track
fafasky - 4year
Dur dur mais très bien, merci
Sazarah - 4year
That was an incredible ride!!
Nachorbea - 4year
great training!!
Nachorbea - 4year
There are people obviously cheating by reducing the difficulty rate bar that you can modify during the ride, at least with the sportstech bikes... what a pitty
Patafoin - 4year
paultaylor2 - 4year
tough climb
didierpelissier - 4year
Fatigué au réveil alors
martinezz007 - 4year
I would like to ride it live!
RaginValdr - 4year
Hello, this was my 4th ride using kinomap. Unfortunately I've had issues with all 4 of them, mostly the video cutting out very early on and never recovering. the last 2 I had the video downloaded to my phone. all cases I used remote display. sorry if that's the issue, then kinomap simply won't be for me, 5" won't do.
the phone is a nokia 7.2, the laptop a 2012 Zenbook core i7. connected to a tplink WiFi 6 mesh, internet connection is 1gbs symmetric fttp. the laptop is probably WiFi 4, so reaches 25mbps/12. phone can do 70mbs at the exercise location. I'd hope that is sufficient really.
while I'd be willing to assist in running proper diagnostics - you probably won't get much useful along with this report, at this time my experience isn't sufficient to take out a paid subscription. which I find a shame, is prefer to support a smaller company, but the product has to work in the situation I can use it.
Wilcodebruin - 4year
vincent83 - 4year
Je suis mort😂😂😜
robborrel - 4year
Great vid! Thans.
sergelo59 - 3year
♥️♥️👍👍des 30 km/h dans des pentes à 11% c’est dés pro!!!!🤮🤮
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