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[FM069] Reggio Calabria - Collina di Pentimele

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 8.075 mi


 166.80 Watt(s)



 1115 ft

 Via XXV LUGLIO Prima Inrc V.le Zerbi, Viale 25 Luglio 1943, Reggio Calabria, Calabria, 89123, Italy

 Lido comunale, Lungomare di Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Calabria, 89123, Italy

From Reggio Calabria to the panoramic hill of Pentimele and then back down to Reggio Calabria. At the top there are some historic military fortifications called "fortini". The climb is short but moderately difficult. The panorama with woods and sea view is particularly appreciated by couples in love :-)


prima salita aspromarathon
 1.757 mi
  886 ft
salita fortini
 1.911 mi
  876 ft
Aspromarathon - tornanti
 1.266 mi
  656 ft
Sopraelevata Porto ⬆️ sud-nord
 1555 yd
  0 ft
Strada Vecchia Provinciale Climb
 1042 yd
  374 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:23:33 1/10/2024
2 00:26:16 1/10/2024
3 00:27:22 1/15/2024
4 00:27:58 1/9/2024
5 00:29:11 1/24/2024


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