× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Rural Chiba 4: Curves in the rice fields

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 5.21 mi


 39.90 Watt(s)



 141 ft

 504 Nakatachō, Wakaba Ward, Chiba, 265-0043, Japan

 M639+5R Sakura, Chiba, Japan

Fourth and last part of a 60 km ride between Hamano Station and Keisei-Sakura station, in Chiba prefecture. We mostly drive on narrow, zigzag roads used by farmers on their tractors during the farming season.
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:13:08 3/12/2024
2 00:13:59 3/22/2024
3 00:14:15 12/12/2023
4 00:14:52 12/21/2023
5 00:16:05 12/27/2023


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