× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Gold Creek Road TT - updated ride with another Road Cyclist

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 5.592 mi


 150.30 Watt(s)



 331 ft

 Baptist Care Brookfield, 139 Gold Creek Rd, Brookfield QLD 4069, Australia

 139A Gold Creek Rd, Brookfield QLD 4069, Australia

Race with another Roadie on the popular "Gold Ck Rd - Savages to Savages" Strava course. Compare yourself to over 8000+ other riders on the course. Why not Warm Up for the TT on the road leading up to the course. The ride "Warm Up for Gold Creek Road TT" is a good 2 minute 30 second taster for the TT course. (https://videos.kinomap.com/en/watch/xfk5gd)


 2.665 mi
  213 ft
 478 yd
  0 ft
 535 yd
  102 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:12:42 8/25/2023
2 00:13:24 1/2/2025
3 00:15:09 8/31/2023
4 00:15:30 10/2/2023
5 00:16:47 12/6/2023


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