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Isole di Brissago

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 1.662 mi


 106.00 Watt(s)



 0 ft

 Isola Grande 1, 6614 Ronco sopra Ascona, Switzerland

 Isole di Brissago, 6614 Brissago, Switzerland


The Brissago Islands are a landscape, natural and historical heritage of inestimable value. In 1885 Richard and Antoinette Fleming St. Léger bought the Brissago Islands. On the Isola Grande, the baroness renovated the remains of a convent making it her home. Later she began the creation of the garden by bringing earth, building avenues and, following the fashion of the time, planting rare and exotic species, such as eucalyptus and palm trees. Due to financial constraints, in 1928 the Baroness was forced to sell the Islands to Max Emden. The house on the Isola Grande was replaced by a grandiose palace (today Villa Emden) built with the noblest materials: from the white Carrara marble of the Hall of Mirrors and the staircases, to the inlaid Florentine floor of the Red Room. Although Emden was not a great botany enthusiast, he decided to keep the garden designed by the Baroness.

In 1949 Max Emden's heirs sold the Islands. The government of Canton Ticino, the municipalities of Ascona, Brissago and Ronco sopra Ascona, and the Swiss Heritage and Pro Natura associations participated in the purchase. Thus was born the Botanical Park of the Canton Ticino which opened to the public on 2 April 1950. The Islands are intended for the conservation and dissemination of natural beauties, for cultural, scientific and tourist purposes.

With over 2,000 subtropical plant species, the Botanical Garden housed on the Isola Grande is unique in Switzerland. The garden is part of the Gardens of Switzerland, Grandi Giardini Italiani and Great Gardens of the World networks.



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1 00:05:39 10/10/2023
2 00:06:18 12/10/2023
3 00:06:33 12/17/2023
4 00:06:56 7/25/2023
5 00:07:26 7/24/2023


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