× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Lerderderg Gorge CX Gravel Fest, P3/6, River Crossing to Firth Road, Victoria, Australia

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 5.661 mi


 97.20 Watt(s)



 1079 ft

 G936+HC Blackwood VIC, Australia

 Obriens Rd, Lerderderg VIC 3458, Australia

Rough wide gravel tracks with a lot of corrugation and potholes, I had to weave a lot to avoid real bad sections. There are a lot of steep climbs and downhills. This ride starts with a long uphill from the O'Briens river crossing.


OBrien Rd East side
 1.388 mi
  522 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:18:43 5/10/2024
2 00:21:33 4/11/2024
3 00:23:44 3/14/2024
4 00:24:18 2/27/2024
5 00:25:58 2/28/2024


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