× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Walk on Cabacum Beach

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 1.745 mi


 89.00 Watt(s)



 0 ft

 bus station Zhurnalist, 9007 Chayka, Varna, Bulgaria

 bus station Zhurnalist, 9007 Chayka, Varna, Bulgaria


Cabacum Beach is the most difficult place to walk. The sand is extremely soft and my feet are sinking deep. On the other hand, it is very pleasant to lie here as if in cotton.

Are you ready for the beach - let's go!



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Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:07:27 6/18/2022
2 00:12:23 7/20/2023
3 00:12:26 11/23/2023
4 00:14:35 1/5/2023
5 00:23:45 4/6/2023


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