× Kinomap, Be on Track!

SFA Audax 11-7-21 - Kent, UK

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 79.418 mi


 67.10 Watt(s)



 1483 ft

 Etchden Rd, Bethersden, Ashford TN26 3DS, UK

 Ninjardans The Works, Lower Wall Rd, Hythe CT21 4NN, UK


Approximately 80 fairly flat miles of a 150Km Audax.

For those that haven't ridden an Audax you have to find and keep a record of a couple of things along the route, and also visit/ stop at some check/ feed points.
A long day in the saddle, the stops haven't been edited out and if you keep pedalling through the video it will catch up with your effort.



kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 03:00:49 2/19/2023
2 03:17:10 12/9/2021
3 03:21:35 2/11/2023
4 03:44:32 11/3/2021
5 03:54:49 3/4/2022


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