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Boston tour - The Charles river 🏃👩‍🎓

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 3.91 mi


 225.00 Watt(s)



 177 ft

 The Hub on Causeway, 100, Causeway Street, West End, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, 02114, United States

 Longfellow Bridge, Storrow Drive, West End, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, 02214, United States


Running along the Charles River in Boston is amazing! You get beautiful views of the water, the city skyline, ad the greenery. The paths are great, and there are lots of other runners and bikers. It's a fantastic place to enjoy the outdoors and stay fit. Please enjoy the route and learn about the role of the river in the Boston's history.



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1 00:15:12 6/24/2024
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