× Kinomap, Be on Track!

MTB - Road and gravel ride to Ozelworth and back

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 13.066 mi


 107.70 Watt(s)



 1673 ft

 30, Bradley Road, Bradley Green, Wotton-under-Edge, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, GL12 7DU, United Kingdom

 Westridge Road, Bradley Green, Wotton-under-Edge, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, GL12 7DZ, United Kingdom

An MTB ride around some of the roads and tracks close to my house. The route starts and finishes in Wotton under Edge and passes along the edge of the Cotswold Hills past some large country houses and nice countryside. There are 3 gates to open and one hold up by a tractor which I did not edit out as this is normal life for a countryside bike ride. Hope you enjoy the ride. Recorded on the 9th May 2024 using a GoPro10 for the video and GPS. Settings are 1080p, 30fps, linear with HL, EIS boost and GoPro Lab settings of BITR = 6 Mb/s to make the file size smaller, and TUSB to use an external battery.


kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:30:20 5/22/2024
2 00:33:17 5/13/2024
3 00:33:19 5/13/2024
4 00:39:14 5/15/2024
5 00:41:03 5/15/2024


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