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🚴 Bavarian Tour - Isarradweg (Plattling-->Isarmündung) 🍁📹

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 7.594 mi


 47.60 Watt(s)



 112 ft

 Friedhofstraße, Plattling, Landkreis Deggendorf, Bavaria, 94447, Germany

 A 3, Deggenau, Reinprechting, Deggendorf, Landkreis Deggendorf, Bavaria, 94469, Germany


Full HD with GoPro 12 Black  Hypersmooth  6.0  stabilisation.

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kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:20:55 2/7/2024
2 00:24:12 9/18/2023
3 00:24:59 9/18/2023
4 00:25:01 9/20/2023
5 00:25:02 9/23/2023


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