× Kinomap, Be on Track!

35 Minute Fat-Burning Walking Treadmill Workout!

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United States of America - English



Thisv video consists of 35 Minutes of Treamill walking!

Make sure you're pushing yourself and getting that heart rate up! I

f you have any questions please feel free to ask me here or email me at: treadchic@gmail.com

The workout consists of (this is all explained in the video):

5 Minute Warm-Up Incline 1 - 5 Minutes

Incline 2 to Incline 5 (about one minute each)

Incline 5 - 5 Minutes Incline 4-1 (about 1-2 minutes each)

Incline 3-5-7-9-11 and back down! 

Cool-Down & Stretching 35 Minutes and done! If you enjoy my workouts please spread the word and let me know if you have any suggestions, feedback, etc.


Have a great day!